How to generate my key for Google Maps
Can you adapt the module to my needs?
Why a google map key?
How to access the mobile application for delivery ?
Limit delivery to certain products
What is “Administration delegation” ?
What is an external reservation?
License for my test server
How to synchronize reservations with booking.com
How to synchronize bookings with Expedia
I can’t change licence domain name
The carrier linked to the module still appear on unknown or disabled subareas.
Add a hook in CMS pages
A period is still available after a booking
Google Maps Mapping does not display
How to install two modules with the same overrides
How to update the module?
I do not understand how quotas works
I can not install the plugin due to overides
The module appears on the front but reservations are not recorded
Reservations are not available for the moment
The carrier linked to the module does not appear
The module is not registered
The module does not appear on the front office
Customers can order while the carrier is disabled