How to generate my key for Google Maps

26 May

To display the geographic map a key is necessary for the use of
the Google API
Follow these steps to get a key:

  • Go to the API Console – Google Cloud Platform.
  • Identify yourself or create an account with Google.
  • Select a project or create a new one if you wish.
  • Click on 'Activate APIs and Services' at the top left and
    select the Maps Javascript API API.
  • If you checked the address verification also check the Geocoding API
  • If you plan to use the mobile application also check the
    Distance Matrix API and Directions API
  • Go to 'Creditentials' on the left menu then click on 'Create identifiers' > 'API key' to get the key
  • Finally you just have to copy the key then paste it in the module configuration

If despite all this you have a message over the map: 'Unable to load Google Maps on this page' then you may have an error message given by Google.
You can see it by right clicking on the page and then ‘ inspect the element ‘.
The most common is: 'You must enable Billing on the Google Cloud Project at Learn more at' Which means Google asks you to fill in the payment information.


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