New Extension Collect Time !

19 May
Sans titre 3

The extension allows you to request a time slot for the withdrawal of items on reservation. This makes it possible to optimize the preparation of products and the waiting of customers during Check-In. The customer can choose directly at the transport stage or later in order to offer appointments when reservations are closed A notification can be sent automatically a few days before the start of the reservation by email or SMS

myOwnReservations V5 released

18 March

After more then 1 year of work we released myOwnReservations 5 The module has been completely rewrote to apply bootstrap 4 design and with a better integration. This major module version brings a lot of new features, here is the important ones : – Mobile App to manage Bookings and scan their QR codes – New option to book without order when reservation is free – Time slot scheduling with availabilities – Split Order for each distinct period option –…

Polygon Subareas

08 August
ico map small

Our last version 4.3 of famous myOwnDeliveries module let now import KML file to work with polygonal zone. In cannot be edited inside the module but module will displays all polygons on a KML file when editing subarea.

Promotion New Containment

31 October

In order to help merchants who must close their shop for this new period of confinement, laBulle has decided to give a 10% discount and to offer installation on home delivery modules and in-store pick-up until November 30, 2020. Through these actions, we hope to accelerate and popularize the implementation of solutions to respect barrier gestures and allow your customers to continue to benefit from your products and services. To do this, indicate the reduction code “covid2020” when ordering (it…