myOwnReservation v3 is here !

26 March

After two long months of validation myOwnReservations version 3 is available. Ergonomics is the key, reservation rules are better understood and the period selection is easier for the customer. The architecture of the module has been completely redesigned for better performance and for future extensions. The details of the features in the rest of the ticket.

New ajax planning

24 June

A new schedule back office can now more easily manage reservations: period change in Ajax, drag and drop to reschedule reservations, create by selecting a period. A popup window allows you to easily change a reservation from or planning or orders.

A period is still available after a booking

21 May

First check that the booking is confirmed, bookings awaiting approval are not taken into account. Check that you specified the correct amount for the product, a product is unavailable for the number of reservations in the period reaches the quantity of the product Make sure that the stock management (simple not advanced) is enabled in the Prestashop configuration in products preferences

Google Maps Mapping does not display

15 May

Since June 11, 2018 a key has become mandatory to use the services of Google Maps. Do not panic the service should always be free because the service offered by volume is now with an equivalent amount of 200 €. However it is necessary to fill in the billing information. Follow these steps to obtain an API key: • Go to the Google Cloud Console . • Create or select a project • Activate the Javascript Maps API from the…

How to install two modules with the same overrides

07 May

Initially overriding each module begins the same way, for instance for classes/cart.php Cart.php from the other module starts with : class Cart extends CartCore { Cart.php from myOwnReservations starts with : class Cart extends CartCore { To make the two compatible modules override of each module must be modified and renamed. In our example myOwnReservations override the other module (the reverse is also possible). We rename the file and the class name from the override “CartOther” that will be overridden…