

Offer your services online



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Product Description

Allows the customer to choose a date for its service delivery

  • The time periods are displayed in the form of a schedule by a week
  • The customer can browse the schedule for the period you set
  • The client sees the availability of schedules according slices reservations already programmed and delivering selected
  • The appointments selected are confirmed by email with an iCalendar object, and are visible in the details of the command

Effectively manage resources and schedule

  • You can set different time slots for each resource
  • The resources can be dedicated to specific client group or category of products
  • It is possible to indicate different periods of availability for each resource
  • An option allows the customer to choose the desired resource
  • The resources can be associated with geographic areas to maximize their benefits

The services are associated with Presashop products

  • You can choose just the duration of the service
  • It is possible to use combinations of products to customize services
  • Choose the resources capable of delivering and their assignment priority
  • The seller can choose precisely when reservations start (immediately after a few hours, after a few days the following week, on a specific date) and when they stop

The seller has a display of its reservations through a calendar month or a week

  • A view allows to list all the reservations the day by resource
  • The appointment can be rescheduled, assigned to another resource or validated by hand
  • The configuration data and reservations can be exported easily
  • An appointment can be added manually from the back office

The module is fully integrated with Prestashop

  • The confirmation of the booking is made automatically based on the order status
  • You can skip the address selection step or carrier selection step on order tunnel
  • The messages displayed are configurable to the customer, you can also change the “service” label or “resource”

Additional Information

Prestashop Compatibility

1.4, 1.5, 1.6

Support & Updates

6 months


English, French, Spanish



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  2. To receive your acces codes

v2-0-2 (August 1, 2015)

Corrected Ajax PS 1.5 style
Corrected Adress geocoding not done in OPC
Corrected Bad reservation warning in some cases

v2-0-1 (July 1, 2015)

Corrected save Aera disabled message
Corrected save ressources checked for service

v2-0-0 (April 15, 2015)

Compatibility with PS 1.6
Added Export congig & reservations
Added Create reservation after an order
Added iCal object attached to notification email

v1-4-6 (November 6, 2014)

Corrected Compatibility with status grater than 10
Corrected Notification not send in some cases

v1-4-5 (October 14, 2014)

Corrected Reschedule done to bad resource in some case

v1-4-4 (November 12, 2013)

Added MultiShop restriction on places
Improved Hide adress step on OPC in PS15

v1-4-3 (October 12, 2013)

Corrected Admin Import Export display
Corrected Warning displayed during checkout if error displayed

v1-3-2 (March 10, 2013)

Added Option to validate reservation during payment

v1-3-1 (January 30, 2012)

Added Check of reservation availability during checkout end

v1-3-0 (December 3, 2011)

Added Availability management more accurate and moved in administration
Added Back office user management for planning view
Corrected Subarea not found in ajax refresh
Improved Ressource descripton using tinyMce

v1-2-0 (November 3, 2011)

Added Subarea management and resssources association to it
Corrected Could pay without service on mixed ressource view
Corrected cannot apply voucher without selectiong timeslot

v1-1-0 (June 1, 2011)

Corrected automatic validation on status change

v1-0-0 (April 29, 2011)

Initial version


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