

A Magento Delivery module

4.25 out of 5 based on 4 customer ratings
(4 customer reviews)



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Product Description

Allows the customer to choose a time slot for delivery during carrier choice

  • The time slots are displayed on a planning, by day, by week, by 2 weeks or by month.
  • The customer can navigate in the planning, during the period you defined.
  • The customer sees the availability of slots based on deliveries already programmed and his delivery subarea.
  • The delivery date and time slot chosen by customer are then confirmed by email and visible in order details.

Deliveries subareas can automatically limit the deliveries according to the customer’s address

  • You can create subareas which are defined by post codes (indicated by range, or patialy) and/or cities.
  • Each delivery subarea can have a distinct delivery price.
  • The fill of the city and zip code can be auto-completed with the data from your delivery subareas.

A quota system let manage the deliveries according to your abilities

  • The quotas let the system take into account the number of possible deliveries, per time slot based on delivery subareas.
  • The quotas can be changed at any time and the reservations already made reflect them.
  • Deliveries outside subareas may be forbidden or allowed with a specific quota.
  • The validation of the reservation is made automatically according to the Magento order status.

The time slots hours and available delivery dates are configurable

  • The seller can choose exactly when reservations begin (the current day, after some days, the next week) and when they stop.
  • You can create as many slots as you want and choose the day of the week for which they are available.
  • You can also add an additional delivery charge per time slot / subarea / order weight and price.
  • The seller can add or edit holidays or edit time slots at any time.

The seller can visualize the deliveries through a calendar by month or week

  • A panel list all deliveries of the day, with a summary of each command. You can filter the display by time slot, by subarea or order status.
  • Multiple shortcuts let you quickly view the order, the delivery or location of the customer.
  • Deliveries may be rescheduled, or validated by hand.

The module also controls the registration and other carriers

  • When registering the customer can see the subarea to which it belongs and if deliveries are allowed.
  • Registration for customers outside of delivery areas may be prohibited or request a manual account activation.
  • Messages displayed to the customer are customizable.
  • You can set the working hours of the day to take them into account in the delivery schedule.

Precise Fee slices management

  • You can set fee slices depending on order price and weight
  • For each fee slices you can set a table of fee depending on subareas days and time slots.
  • You can disable deliveries by setting price empty on fee slices.

*NEW V2* Convenient e-mail notification

  • The customer gets an email when its delivery is validated
  • An attached iCalendar object let customer easily add an appointment to customer calendar

*NEW V2* Advanced availability management

  • You can add unavailabilities on time slots or whole day on specific dates
  • With availabilities you can consider whole planning unavailable and specify the day and time slots to enable on specific dates.

*NEW V2* The seller can optimize deliveries trip

  • A map is displaying all deliveries of day with a color code for each time slot.
  • A roundtrip mode can optimize the deliveries order on a time slot for faster route.
  • With optimized or order roundtrip you can print each route turn by turn instructions.

Additional Information

Magento Compatibility

1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4

Support & Updates

6 months


English, French


Yes (3 classes & 2 blocs)

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Front-office screenshots on Mage 2.0

Back-office screenshots on Mage 2.0

Module Config screenshots on Mage 2.0

Screenshots on Mage 1.*

v4-5-2 (November 6, 2023)

Corrected Tools::json_encode deprecated
Added Delivery price by product
– Enhanced FranceExpress Export

v4-5-1 (June 15, 2022)

Corrected carrier price field
Corrected Removed tracking set for carrier not linked to module

v4-5-0 (March 1, 2022)

– Enhanced Roundtrip feature
– Enhanced perf when no using quotas
Added Subarea daily max capacity with number, weight or volume of items
Added Timeslot max capacity with number, weight or volume of items
Added Subarea option to assign deliverer on PRO version
Added Arranged roundtrip mode allow manual delviery ordering
Added Const _CARRIERS_RESV_CHECK to ignore reservation check for carrier enabled
Added Const _SUBAREA_SEL_STEP to ask subarea selection with carrier
Added Filtering subarea choice depending on available carriers
Corrected availabilities

v4-4-0 (October 20, 2021)

Added Option to merge carriers deliveries
Added Deliverer restriction for a specific product
Added a define _DELIVERY_TSASADDR to use TS name as customer address
Added Time Slot description
Added an option to displays TS description under planning as legend
Corrected removed pagination for TS list inside carrier
Corrected resa start date save

v4-3-0 (August 10, 2021)

– Multi-shop enable subarea
Added Upload KML shapes to subareas
Added Carrier price with quantity ranges
Corrected Carrier message send when customer notification is disabled
Corrected Carrier ranges reading

v4-2-2 (September 30, 2020)

Corrected Checking deliverer quota if using MYOWND_CHECK_RESA
Corrected Carrier disable by JS in carrier not hidden
Corrected Re-order only keep last time slot selected if available
Corrected Store name display in carrier config
Corrected Widget home mobile width
Corrected Next week broken on some cases when other delivery method select previously
Corrected Week end time not saved in reservation params
Corrected POI overflow with ms
Corrected Carrier roundtrip start before need of precision
– Enhanced Deliverer assigned time slot day has not be selected twice on global & by carrier
Added Option to show all TS on config with define : MYOWND_MAIN_TS_ALL
Added Warning displayed if carrier is free or bar carrier out of range behavior and hide carrier option checked
Added Argentina special post code treatment
Added Warning on address text search for missing precision

v4-2-1 (May 5, 2020)

Added hook to reset step-complete for delivery if carrier change and no res found for new one
Added Roundtrip waiting indication
Added Optimisation on getOrderShippingCost to ignore order details.
Corrected first 10 deliveries wrong order on PRO roundtrip
Corrected Carrier disable when no booking on it
Corrected multi-shipping issue with 4.* version.
Corrected mobile date picker language
Corrected Quota was ignoring mix of carrier timeslots
Corrected Problem when all subareas are unavailable by default
Corrected Taking only deliveries of available carriers for a timeslot mix with quotas
Corrected Filters reset on deliveries edit

v4-2-0 (April 15, 2020)

Added msg threads display on roundtrip details on mobile app
Added check all month availabilities option
Added check of booked cell for default reservation value.
Corrected Order confirmation mail to deliverer on PS 1.7.5

v4-1-2 (February 1, 2020)

Corrected On time slot creation : Ignore check on timeslots that are with a deleted carrier.
Added Mapotempo publish on PRO version

v4-1-1 (April 1, 2019)

v4-1-0 (March 1, 2019)

Added Option to geocode address during edition
Added Option to point address on a map during address creation or edition
Added If controlled registration keep post code and city values
Added Address search widget with geolocation
Added widget showing only a typical week time slots
Added If set -1 to a price on deliverer price it will disable it.
Added Collection address selection from delivery creation on admin
Added Option to set delivery prices depending on number of items ordered.
Added New option to set a delay between deposit and collection in hours
Corrected conflict with default value and last selected value
Corrected Deliverer price only show prices for checked subareas

v4-0-0 (October 1, 2018)

Added Display of myCollectionPlaces if this module take care of apointement
Added strong verification of time slot selection with PS 1.7 order steps
Added Top page display of next available delivery slot
Added Top page selection of time slot with a modal popup
Added Option to ask a collection address
Added Re-order keep delivery reservation of previous order
Added Delete delivery action
Corrected minutes on settings not displayed.
Corrected Same Deliveries list wasn’t displaying deliveries of day if end date was the same as start date
Corrected Approx address wasn’t take into account in some cases.
Corrected minimal display default value and default timeslots list empty
Corrected Possibility to add a second delivery (for collectioin/deposit) from admin
Corrected pagination on deliveries list
Corrected taking into account old order carrier and canceled order status on status change
Corrected product details for older email tempalte in order conf email for deliverer
Corrected Availability add from list.

v3-3-2 (March 5, 2018)

Corrected reselect timeslot doesn’t unselect it
Corrected Unknown subarea quota edition
Corrected Carrier Restriction Tab not showing
Corrected Reservation start current bug on PRO version
Corrected Autocompletion inactive on address modification at checkout
Corrected Restation date fixed not saved

v3-3-1 (February 15, 2018)

Corrected Error msg displayed even when carrier is disabled from PS
Corrected month swith from availabilities
Corrected Problem for mobile deliverer to seee tracking when shiptrack is disabled
Corrected Unable to save week days on PS 1.7 and end day time.
Corrected time slot reselection on back page
Corrected delivery date not visible in delivery slip PDF

v3-3-0 (August 15, 2017)

Compatibility with Prestashop 1.7
Added email integration for order confirmation msg
Added otion to send email only when delivery validated
Added Live Roundtrip Mobile App, to order delivery of day and time slot by route duration.
Added Availability to text or call customer from package page

v3-2-0 (August 10, 2016)

– Comatibility with onepagecheckoutps
Improved Admin deliveries qties display on views
Added Generating delivery ref as tracking number
Added New feature to track package using qrcode
Added Delivery subarea and time slot on delivery slip
Added Export roundtrip ordered deliveries to CSV
Added Export roundtrip instructions to CSV
Added Online help manual from deliveries admin

v3-1-2 (May 1, 2016)

Corrected conflict with myCollectionPlaces calendar
Corrected iCal attachement end of line probelm
Corrected Multiple package with multiple deliverers
Corrected Carrier link from deliverer list
Added display carrier name when multiple packages
Improved refresh only one carrier at time
Improved subarea priority per radius after distance
Added work days for delay between deposit and collection

v3-1-1 (February 1, 2016)

Corrected conflict with myCollectionPlaces on admin order
Corrected carrier fee on std verison

v3-1-0 (November 25, 2015)

Improved Performance by not loading at construct
Corrected availability selection
Added order status filter in delivery list
Added trick to avoid over query limit

v3-0-9 (October 10, 2015)

Added New filter for deliveries display : delivery type and validated
Corrected Disable others carriers when no reservation
Added New Export format for france expreess
Corrected Delivery reschedule cannot be done in some browsers
Corrected Map display with some changes to gmap

v3-0-8 (July 15, 2015)

Corrected Reservation not saved when only one place
Corrected End day time not saved with start after some hours
Added Dy selection for reservation start after some days

v3-0-7 (March 15, 2015)

Corrected Name filter reset and page reset when few results
Added Bulk export and Import data for PRO version
Corrected Export of products

v3-0-6 (October 14, 2014)

Corrected Cart rule display in full conf email
Corrected Customisation display in full conf email
Corrected multiple carrier on one transporter when not using priority

v3-0-5 (September 17, 2014)

Corrected end day time raised at bad moement
Corrected PRO carrier creation warnings
Corrected Admin link repear
Corrected place not saved for new customer
Corrected PRO reschedule not saved

v3-0-4 (August 29, 2014)

Corrected subarea cities list save problem
Correct planning start mode reseted on carrier save
Corrected some roundtrip issues

v3-0-3 (August 10, 2014)

Added Code Optimisations
Added KPI
Corrected some admin bugs

v3-0-2 (August 1, 2014)

Added Key indicator on Admin
Added possibility yo create a delivery
Corrected Can’t read delivery option radio

v3-0-1 (July 15, 2014)

Added Prestashop 1.6 Compatibility

v2-2-7 (May 26, 2014)

Corrected carrier price display on home page without taxes

v2-2-5 (December 1, 2013)

Added Option to allow unprecise adresse
Corrected Could not change status for delivery without timeslot
Corrected Rasa delay with work days only shifted
Corrected last week of year not displayed in month view
Corrected patch fucking ogon payment script

v2-2-4 (September 14, 2013)

Corrected category check pararm not saved
Corrected availability not saved in some cases
Corrected displaying all status in filter
Corrected home widget doesnt displays next page with postcode search
Added Resa delay option for shipping list display

v2-2-3 (June 20, 2013)

Corrected print popup
Corrected route optimization directions display

v2-2-2 (May 20, 2013)

Added Reservation start management on carrier

v2-2-0 (March 25, 2013)

Added ICS calendar appointment
Corrected postcodes view on admin subarea
Improved Integrated help
Added Deutch front and admin translations
Added Polish front translations

v2-1-1 (March 25, 2013)

Corrected registration not blocked on PS141 and PS15

v2-1-0 (January 15, 2013)

Improved Planning views have been redesigned and especially the day view
Improved Module core architecture
Improved Carrier timeslots merge per day and no more per week
Improved Carrier order management
Improved Planning occupation color more precise
Added Fee management per subarea and ranges
Added Option to let the customer select the subarea
Added quick disable shortct
Added Muliple admin for a deliverer
Added Availability management instead of holidays
Added portugese and corean translations

v1-5-3 (November 11, 2012)

Added Geodis Export
Improved Geocoding requests with myCollecyionsPlaces
Corrected Delivery date not rapplied on status change
Added carrier name displayed
Added No date notification message
Added Spanish translations
Corrected cannot apply voucher without selectiong timeslot
Corrected Carrier allowed with insufisent precision on guest checkout
Corrected Bug on payment with voucher or personalization
Improved Memory and SQL performance

v1-5-2 (October 18, 2012)

Corrected Address not geocoded when no map display even witg geocoded subarea
Corrected Subarea with geolocation only not found on some payment validation
Corrected Location wasn’t saved with deliveries
Corrected Bad notification lang on PS15

v1-5-1 (August 18, 2012)

Improved Configuration pages
Added License management
Added Order confirmation mail instead of order notification by option
Corrected Some back-office bug
Compatibility with Prestashop 1.5
Improved Javascript front checkout forms has been optimised

v1-5-0 (March 5, 2012)

Improved Onepage checkout functionnality
Added 2 reservation start options
Added Define a subarea with a circle aera froma GPS position
Added Address geocoding check on address selection step
Added Ajax for reservation planning change
Added product export per customer

v1-4-0 (February 5, 2012)

Warning You need to check and save each carrier after update
Improved Administration view clearer
Added print and export option on each admin page
Added Map view with a color for each time slot
Added Each day of a time slot can be selected in carrier options
Improved All time slot div clickable for select
Added ajax planning on front end
Added 2 new start option : after somme hours and on date
Added allow reschedule by customer option
Added new type collection only for carriers

v1-3-0 (December 2, 2011)

Added Export products list in CSV or PDF
Added Export deliveries list PDF
Added Added carrier option for time slot for overlapping time slots
Added Automatic update of hooks and database
Added Display of deliveries details in order administration

v1-2-1 (October 31, 2011)

Added Rights management for deliverers and tabs permissions
Added Additional delivery delay per deliverer
Added Filter by shipping on deliveries management
Added Change order status on deliveries management
Added Import/export module data and export based on templates
Added Delete a delivery or add an external delivery

v1-2 (October 3, 2011)

Added Autocompletion for post codes and cities
Added multiple cities per subareas
Added email notification for reservations
Added more language support for dates and tab setup

v1-1 (August 23, 2011)

Added route planner
Corrected lang management for other languages support

v1-0 (July 23, 2011)

Initial version

4 reviews for Delivery Module for Magento : myOwnDeliveries

  1. 5 out of 5


    Thank you very much for the support. I am so grateful !

  2. 4 out of 5


    We’ve tried our module on Magento 1.8 and it’s working well.

  3. 3 out of 5


    I greatly appreciate any and all of the help you have been able to provide for me.
    Great extension thus far otherwise.

  4. 5 out of 5


    Great Extension! Well worth the money. Does exactly what its says, interface is beautiful, installation amp; configuration is a snap. Top notch support… I had an issue with the server on my side and LaBulle was able to find and fix the problem within 24 hours (even though it wasn’t even an issue with their software). If your looking for an extension for doing deliveries or reservations, Look no further… This is It!

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