Front-office Customer can only select a booking period for which product is available
Back-office Reservations products are automatically organized to find the best availability


Rent your products easily

With the myOwnReservations module you can easily rent products regardless of their type.
The module is compatible with the sale of products and is fully integrated with the e-commerce platform.


  • Search availabilities by products or Category

  • Notifications emails with order details and iCal object

  • Manually creating and drag & drop reservations reschedule

  • Shortcut control process with several reminders periods

  • Deposit and advance management or all Payment Methods

  • Management or specific availability of your products

  • Controlling duration of the booking and time to charge

  • Managing smart rates depending on the duration, season etc ..

  • Fine time tunning per slot, per day, week or month

  • Automatic organization reservations based on the amount of product

  • Customer puts his booking into the Basket from the planning of the product

  • Easy re-scheduling of reservations by the vendor

  • Control the beginning, the period and shape of planning displayed to the customer

  • Synchronise bookings with major platforms as AirBnb, Booking, TripAdvisor, Expedia etc..

  • New ! A mobile app to manage bookings and quickly san a their QR code

  • New ! Split orders for each distinct period booked

  • New ! A QR code can be added in order confirmation for easier check-in / out

  • A lot extensions are available to cover specific needs for your activity


Here is some of the use cases the module has been made for












Rental, Leasing, Loan, Lending, Borrow, Skis, Hi-fi, Car rental, Party equipment, Bikes, Scooter, Boat, Simulator, Tools, Event furnitures...
  • Reservations rules can apply to a huge existing catalog without any changes on products.
  • You can offer discount depending on reservation length or total amount of reservations. Cart or catalog rules for discounts are applied over reservations.
  • A deposit can be specified depending on products with a fixed value or product percent. And it can be invoiced or just displayed.
  • See this on our demo shop


Here is what customer says about myOwnReservations

  • MULTI RENTAL : Bikool

    PRO version
    Prestashop 1.6

    Rental products are mountain materials among other materials for sale. The module allowing the description of the size / age / weight according to the products and for each person.
    Reservations time slots are adjusted for each rental location.
    Localisation France (Val-d’Oise)
    Realized in 2022 by agency Gopadma Technologies
    © Bikool
    Nicolas DEBOISSY

    " Our customers are already used to this module and have taken it in hand. They are very satisfied with the module. Personally, I appreciated our collaboration to solve our specific problems. You could bring a solution every time. Congratulations for your work. "

  • TOURISM RENTAL : Resaprivee

    Version PRO
    Prestashop 1.6

    The products are apartments for tourism rent. The reservation are made by day or by timeslots.
    The reservation is paid in full: no deposit or deposit
    Localisation Tunisie
    Réalisé en 2020
    Khaled AOUIJ

    " Once again, thank you so much for your excellent support. Now I'm happy... It works according your instructions both for cars and for apartments. "

  • SERVICES : Ask Nestor

    Standard version
    Places extension
    Prestashop 1.6

    The products are varied services for home and everyday life that are offered in several places at different time slots.
      The occupation of the products on the premises is therefore shared between the resources available on the site. The number of slots occupied depends on the duration of the product.
    Localisation Belgique (Bruxelles)
    Realized in 2017
    © Savviva Lifestyle Management sprl
    David STEGMANN (Owner)

    " Excellent ability to configure the module for different situations (car wash or yoga classes or room reservations ....) Excellent service for customization of features Quite complex to configure, in any case we are very happy, we prefer to have a module that is flexible with good support. "

  • SEASON RENTAL : La Bourse aux Skis

    Standard version
    Prestashop 1.6

    The products are Snow Skis equipments adapted to all the sizes in rent for maximum 1 week, some of the products of the shop are on sale.
    Intelligent management of pack that allow undedicated stock.
    Localisation France (Hautes-Pyrénées)
    Realized in 2019 by agency Blue Bear Agency
    © SKIBIZ
    Clément Dépres

    " A very complete module, which anticipated the cases specific to each occupation based on rental, with regular days that often outweigh the needs. And support side, a team of developers hyper competent and hyper reactive! "

  • SPORTS ACTIVITY : Alsace Parachutisme

    PRO version
    Attendees Extesnion
    Prestashop 1.6

    The products are sports activities on one or more slots and the rental of equipment over one or more days. The price rules allow you to charge extra for the most requested slots.
    For some products the module manages the number of people and asks for information for each of them
    Localisation France (Jura)
    Realized in 2014 by agency Exodream
    © Eexodream
    Damien Keiter

    " After some research and comparisons, the module seemed the most complete and we are very satisfied. We had very specific requests in addition, and this module has responded with its many features and settings options. "Rent online" is not limited to a simple calendar on a product page and that laBulle understood it! The team is responsive, always attentive to specific requests and needs ... It also offers real support! "

  • ACTIVITY BOOKING : Destination Dubai

    Version PRO
    Prestashop 1.6

    The products are varied tourism activities: bus tours, visits, shows, sport activities, table, with a fixed duration on the day.
    Some are offered with several slots per day and several times a week, others for full days and finally some at very specific dates.
    Busiest times are sold at a higher price.
    Realized in 2016
    Sofiane M

    " C'est le module de réservation le plus complet que nous ayons trouvé pour PS ces 10 dernières années, pour notre industrie (tourisme); SAV toujours réactif quand on en a eu besoin et propose des solutions techniques. "

  • EQUIPMENT RENTAL : Des Clics Photos

    PRO version
    Prestashop 1.6

    The products are rental cameras supplied with some consumables and delivered by post. Reservations are made by the day but with a minimum duration of 4 days, the module allows here to display the minimum price instead of the unit price per day.
    The reservation is paid in full but a deposit is required for some products.
    Localisation France (Bouches-du-Rhône)
    Réalisé en 2013
    Lise SCHERER (Fondatrice)

    " We were able to adapt the basic solution to our business needs, such as the management of the notion of rental period, or the fact of asking a deposit for any rental order. The support is always very effective. "


Choose your version to get more details and ask for a demo
  • Version (1)
    Reservation rules
    Product occupation
    This is how products can handle reservations
    • Product : Depends on product and his combination quantity
    • Virtual : Product combination is ignored
    • Variable : Product quantity depends on availabilities
    • Mutual : Each product quantity can handle multiple
    • Shared : Selected products shares occupation
    • Exclusive : First booking select product available for period
    • Wait List : Bookings are validated only if a quantity is reached

    Data exchange
    Reservations synchronization
    Multishop (2)
    External reservation
    This feature allow quick reservation creation without customer account or order

    Admin delegation
    This feature can delegate management for some products only

    Stock management
    Reservations depends on product quantity, but with this feature you can assign serial number and print barcodes for easier stock management

    Support & Updates (3)
  • Standard
    Platform Prestashop
    Reservation rules Global
    Product occupation Product / Virtual / Variable
    Data exchange Export CSV
    Reservations synchronization iCalendar Feed, AirBnb, TripAdvisor, Abritel
    Multishop (2) YES
    External reservation NO
    Admin delegation NO
    Stock management NO
    Support & Updates (3) 6 months
    Price 469.00€ exc. taxes
    More details
  • Professional
    Platform Prestashop
    Reservation rules Per product
    Product occupation Product / Virtual / Variable / Mutual / Shared / Exclusive / Wait List
    Data exchange Export/import CSV
    Reservations synchronization iCal Feed, Web Services, API
    + Expedia,, HomeAway, Trivago
    Multishop YES
    External reservation YES
    Admin delegation YES
    Stock management YES
    Support & Updates (2) 12 months
    Price 669.00€ exc. taxes
    More details
(1) You can upgrade from standard to PRO version after purchase.
(2) The license is given for a domain name and its subdomains, and also for your test or pre-prod server.
(3) These deadlines apply from the date of order, for purchases made on only. (3 months on Prestashop Addons)
Do you have particular needs ? Are adaptations necessary? A feature to develop?

The module already has specific extensions that may be able to answer it : You can consult them here.
Otherwise we can develop the module to integrate your request on estimate. In this case we invite you to describe your needs by contacting us by email or telephone.

You can also contact us if you want to make sure that our module is suitable for your project.