
Extras Extension


Product Description

The extension allows you to select the attributes and products associated with the reservation.

The selected product attribute can be enhanced with a more comprehensive presentation that includes multiple products. And a second step allows you to add optional products.

  • Each attribute can have a title, description and color
  • It is possible to directly indicate the price to add for each attribute
  • A promotional amount allows you to highlight the price that should have been paid
  • Another VAT rate can be chosen for the additional rate
  • For each attribute, a set of products can be displayed
  • Products in a category can be offered as options in a second step
  • Optional products are presented in the form of a section by parent category
  • The customer can change the upgraded attribute of their reservation after ordering (upgrade)
  • The customer can also add other optional products well after ordering
  • The delays for changing attributes or adding other optional products are configurable


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