Intégration Pass Culture

20 July

Une nouvelle extension permet désormais de récupérer les réservations faites via la Pass Culture. Une fois la connexion faite avec vos sites, vous pouvez associer les événements à vos produits et ainsi récupérer les réservations au fil de l’eau. Si l’extension ticket est installée, alors un ticket sera envoyé automatiquement au client la veille de sa reservation.

New “Extras” Extesnion

11 November

As its name suggests, this extension allows you to manage the extras of a reservation. That is to say offering improved options compared to the basic attributes when booking. The product attribute is offered with a more complete presentation by including several products and descriptions. And a second step allows you to add optional products. This extension also allows the customer to change attributes or add options after the initial order.

Prestashop 1.8

04 December

Our modules are compatible with Prestashop 1.8. myOwnReservations, myOwnDeliveries & myCollectionPlaces have been tested and validated on the latest version of Prestashop

Intégration Docusign

02 July

A new extension allows integration with Docusign. Not only does it allow quotes to be signed officially, but also to generate interactive quotes where the price is adjusted according to the chosen version or the quantity. More info

New Extension Collect Time !

19 May
Sans titre 3

The extension allows you to request a time slot for the withdrawal of items on reservation. This makes it possible to optimize the preparation of products and the waiting of customers during Check-In. The customer can choose directly at the transport stage or later in order to offer appointments when reservations are closed A notification can be sent automatically a few days before the start of the reservation by email or SMS